Monday, June 12, 2006

ElwynsAttic: Rat Finks Quatrieme! (or) George Bush Needs Oral Sex!

ElwynsAttic: Rat Finks Quatrieme! (or) George Bush Needs Oral Sex!

I was just glancing though Elwyns photos and poetry, when I found this little gem on her blog. I'm going to have to keep an eye on her site from now on. Funny how you have known someone at some club or association you belong to and suddenly take a moment to look at their work and discover what you missed all this time, by not really knowning them at all.

It's like suddenly there is someone you want to talk to more. Just somehow you never really did more then say hello and maybe a few more words in the past. Well Elwyn if you read this, next time you see me at BSFS, you may find me more talkative.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

What am I getting into?

Last night, I went and offer to help with working on the handicap issues we had at Balticon40. I ended up trying not to use the wheelchair as much as possible during the convention. I'm worried that off all the problems we listed at the meeting last night, the carpet and people who have mobility impairments, are two things that just aren't solved by talking to the hotel.

I do want to make sure the staff and volunteers are more sensitive to the issues. I'm rather upset that people who could walk, but were limited someway, got written off as non-handicap. Having grown up with invisable handicaps, I am too well versed in how it feels. It's why I like the use the cane even on days that I feel find when I leave the house. I never know how long I can walk before my hips and legs start to hurt.

I just hope I can get few other folks to help me address the problems we identifed. I know without some help with the things I can't do well, like writing and phone calls, I be overwhelm quickly. All I can do is my best and hope all works out.

Saturday, June 10, 2006


and hopefully not last. I been checking out pictures from Balticon40 all morning and on visual overload again. My mind is going in hundred of different directions and I can't seem to keep up with any of my thoughts.

Three things have suddenly process me since Balticon.

Doing some needlework or emboilory using the wonderfull floss that must have come from my grandmother's sewwing supplies. The lables are quite old and I'm going to have to do a search on some of the brands, I never heard of before.

Learning how to design Celtic knots. I've gotten some decent results so far after using the tutorial at Aon Celtic Art. I'm going to have to check out the new tutorial mention in the email newsletter I sign up for. Course now I'm seening knots in everything I do. I think the guy who answer my post over on the Asylum was right about making the connection of how the Celts thought the knots repersent the circle of life.

All of this has in some way to do with the Journey I'm on spiritally. My friend Dani did a tarot reading for me at Balticon and it clear up a lot of the guestions I had over what I should be doing now that I'm going from a mother to an grandmother or maybe even a wise one. I'm much closer to my daughter Jamie as she is helping though these past coople weeks.

Speaking of I found some photo's of her from Balticon along with one of my grandson Ian and me with my granddaughter Erin. I think this Balticon was the best since for me it was a time for having all my family around me. I just wish Lindsey had come for the whole weekend, but understand how a guild works and her commitments in WoW. I know I need to get ingame and spent some time with my guild in EQ.

Well I need to go finish some of the many things I've started today. Not sure if I'll make it to the party for Paul's niece later, but there is just so much to do and I can't do it all at once.